
A research wing dedicated to creating the perfect amalgamation of ancient wisdom of operating business and modern day industry dynamics.

Actionable Training

Training young minds on developing practical insights for project execution, evolving themselves into data researchers.

Creating an Infinite Loop

Trained individuals conduct research with AISCI to create new products and services thus creating a further for further training.

Building a Workforce

With R-Anvikshan, we plan to supply a highly capable workforce that will help take the Data industry to a higher altitude.

Be in Demand with Our Professional Training

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Dr. John Smith — Founder & CEO.

With organizations fast converging onto data and analytics, AISCI understands the needs to train their workforce with the relevant skills that are or will be needed to undertake the herculean task of performing data operations.

With industry veterans on our side, we are able to design & deliver some of the most popular training modules which encompass more of a practical understanding of the intricacies in Data Science. Learners have to go through rigorous yes flexible projects that replicate the real situations in the industry to ensure a smooth transition.

We believe that a rigorous life-size case study based training ensures that the concepts are assimilated by learners, but not at the cost of harsh timelines. For this reason we keep our training slightly flexible to allow learners some breathing space between projects. 

Since our main line of focus is on performance, we compromise a little bit on timelines and keep stress levels of learners to a minimum.

All our trainers have been or are currently associated with some of the most renowned organizations in the field of data analytics, BI, Database, Development & Testing. Needless to say, they are the best people whom you can trust with getting the most updated knowledge about the Data Science industry.

The other major advantage of training under professionals is the insights that you gain by simple interactions with them. These insights help you to not just understand & plan your way ahead, but also help you perform better at your job.

Training & Research Partners

What Our Learners Have to Say

I have over 18 years of experience and my firm needed me to get a hold of data science as soon as possible. Being far away from formal studies, I felt it would be difficult to catch up with the dynamics of DS industry. But the trainers are like an encyclopedia, really appreciate the time and efforts that they put in training me in not just theory but more importantly applying them practically. I have had no difficulties yet in understanding the concepts
Kapil M.
From London, UK
I wanted to update my knowledge on analytics & AI concepts once before heading off for my Masters in Data Science. AISCI's project training helped me understand the concepts from a practical standpoint. As I pursue my Masters today, I cant emphasize how much the training has helped me in contributing to my class. The training has been so deep that i my masters honestly feels like revision sessions.
Nitesh B.
From Berlin, Germany
I wasn't quite sure how efficient your online training would prove to be, but I really am happy to see the gap being filled between online and offline training. The trainers are very insightful on the current industry trends, which personally has helped me catch up with the domain faster than expected.
Shivsagar R.
From Texas, USA
I took up the data science training simple because I like to explore new stuff that goes on in the technology domain. I must say that the honest efforts that the trainers took on me even after knowing that I wasn't looking out for a career change, was a sheer pleasure. Post my training I've worked with AISCI on 2 projects and I appreciate the overall concept of learn & earn.
Ashish M.
From Mussoorie, USA